As a child I was always told that God was the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end and everything in between. That's what they said, but I never really saw much evidence of them believing in that. At least not that way I came to see it as I got older. As I continue the journey looking, searching, and occasionally glimpsing peace, I find it in life's moments. It's usually the small moments, the ones that I used to maybe smile at but never really thought about seeing God in. A few years ago I wrote the lyrics to this song, and so far it comes closest to how I feel.
I saw God flying 'cross the sky
He was a red tail hawk soarin' high
When he turned into a teardrop
He was fallin' from my eye
I saw God flyin' cross the sky
Now and then I really feel the winds blow
That holy spirit stirs my ragged soul
Remindin' me I'm not alone and
Without pain, I'd have never grown
Now and then I really feel the winds blow
I see God in everything
In a strangers smile and broken dreams
From open arms to fields of green
I see God in everything
He's that mighty river flowin'
Everywhere my achin' hearts goin'
Livin' in the soul of everyman
That's one thing that I've known
He's that mighty river flowin'
I see God in everything
A black hearse rollin' n' angel wings
Wooden crosses to prayer beads
I see God in everything
In a gentle kiss on a moonlit stream
Children's laughter and when life stings
I see God in everything
I see God in everything
Copyright@Glenn Simmons Music
It's a conditioning, sometimes an effort. But I feel God in a strangers handshake, in catching an older persons eyes, in watching friends walk together. Sunsets, rain showers, mourning doves,music, and friends. He's there in it all. Hopefully I can be in the moment more and more, right where God is. I'd like to know where you see God.
I see God in every leaf that grows, in every bud that forms and blooms, in hummingbirds and butterflies, in the power of the waves, in every sunset. I see God in the total trusting of my cats as they sleep, knowing that they are loved and cared for no matter what. I see God in everything that he made, no matter how big or small. I see God in the strength of my mother and in my daughter, knowing that she is one of the greatest gifts that God has ever given me. Without that gift I would not have made it through all of the trials and tribulations that have come my way. I see God as love.